Universe University
A journey through astronomy and space history to the outer boundaries of the universe.
We found 3 episodes of Universe University with the tag “roswell”.
Episode | January 28th, 2025 | 27 mins 37 secs
roswell, uap, ufo
David Paull is a journalist, writer, and amateur filmmaker with a keen interest in UFOs.
After Talk for Episode 12 w/ Guest Konnor Blunt
Episode | October 31st, 2019 | 1 hr 14 mins
blunt report, flying saucers, history, nasa, project blue book, roswell, science, sleep paralysis, space
Host, Producer, and fellow science podcaster discuss the UFO phenomenon.
Episode 12: The UFO Enigma
Episode | October 29th, 2019 | 1 hr 6 mins
cold war, flying saucers, history, nasa, project blue book, roswell, space, ufos
From 1947 to 1969, the U.S. government was involved with multiple projects designed to investigate mysterious objects flying in the skies of the planet Earth.